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Interactive Learning Videos
Adaptive Instruction
All our interactive videos adjust to individual students' ability levels and learning pace. Gamification is used to ensure deep learning.
The videos empower teachers with formative assessment data to make informed decisions about their daily instructional practice.
Each video models a specific cognitive skill, provides opportunity for practice, and tracks student proficiency.
Reading Strategies
Identify the Goal of Reading the Text
Activate Background Knowledge
Use the Text Structure
Monitor Attention
Use Context Clues
Check for Internal Logic
Make Inferences
Thinking Strategies
Identify W-Questions
Identify Claims
Identify Evidence
Differentiate Facts, Opinions, and Explanations
Evaluate Explanations
Evaluate Trustworthiness
Integrate Multiple Texts
Create a Summary
Thinking Strategies - Advanced
Identify Sources
Evaluate Sources
Identify Counterclaims
Evaluate Competing Claims
Create Own Explanation

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